Post by br4inl3ss on Apr 27, 2024 10:27:46 GMT -5
well. i had a meeting with a psychosocial worker and she said i shiould go wide open and talk, that it will help ease the pain.
and i know there is alot of very nice people here (and this my firends is becoming rarer everyday), so here i go.
i warn you right now that i have ADHD so forget about a decent structure. too much to say and ill forget way too much information.
so... back when i was at school all i did in class was going hella deep in my tought. impossible to learn anything. oh wait no thats false. i learned something in classeroom. i learned that i HATE bein in group. i just cant stand it i feel weird.
i tried to learn the basic of mathematics like the famous BODMAS. thats easy to understand. but 15 mintue after i have to relearn it. constantly.
im my mind its like "B stands for Brackets, so that means hey why does RGB change color only according to voltage ? oh shit ok back to B. so that means i have to do this first else the end result will be off. ok next is O and it stands for Ord...wait a minute he said 4 stroke must run way richer at idle than 2 stroke but it wont even idle right if its richer so what the oh fuck again the Order means...." and so on.... CONSTANTLY. it rarely stop.
im my mind its like "B stands for Brackets, so that means hey why does RGB change color only according to voltage ? oh shit ok back to B. so that means i have to do this first else the end result will be off. ok next is O and it stands for Ord...wait a minute he said 4 stroke must run way richer at idle than 2 stroke but it wont even idle right if its richer so what the oh fuck again the Order means...." and so on.... CONSTANTLY. it rarely stop.
yeah you got it, its impossible to learn anything like that. so i left school in early middle school.
time goes by and i was done doing absolutly nothing all day long.
so i joined a project from gouvernment that help young people to get in the job market.
this job was a mix of landscaping on good weather and learning good thing and help to get back on real jobs.
i was in love with that job. but i lost it.
the job site was far away from the shed and we had a gator and a quad to get there and work. at least 25 minute to get there.
at least 2 time a day, when i was 75-90% of the way, i had to go back to the shed talk to the boss because i fucking forgot what i had to do.
be honnest, do you know any boss that will either hire or keep employee like that ? i dont. and ill be honenst, i wont either.
imagine.. at least twice a day, at least 3 days a week, for 5 months. no. just NO. i would fire myself. i understand them perfectly.
i saw a doctor because i tought it was a memory problem, he said its nothing i'm young it will fit itself. yup. he really said that.
saw another doctor, passed scans... my memory is fine. its really good in fact.
saw another doctor.... he had no idea why i was like that.
so i entered a "special"school. impossible to learn anything here either, but this school offered alot of work internship.
good option for me. or at least a good start.
so i made my decision and it was a mechanic garage.
i really enjoyed that. the boss didnt. kept forgettign everything.
my job was accomplished like twice every 10 job.....
ofcourse you guessed it, i got fired.
fell down and cried right on the garage floor.
i liked that so much... and i knew i wasnt allowed to do that either.
talked with the school and they said to try something else it will be fine.
so i tried small engine mechanic. same shit. but the owner also wanted me to put the old broken gasket and still charge it ( sadly now i know most mechanics do that). no way ill handle such scams. sorry but no.
i quit this one myself.
talked to the school again, they knew how much i loved to play with engine... and they had a place in truck mechanic. peterbilt kenworth volvo inter and you got it.
the boss was such a good person. faith restored. he didnt give a fuck telling me what i had to do every fucking hour. but another employee died and he couldnt afford the time to handle me anymore. it was just impossible else his business would close.
i was so done of that shit i didnt even go to the school anymore. when the school call me i just answer and end the call instantly. fuck them fuck everything.
time goes by.... doing nothing at all.
found a job at a hardware store... i was able to work there for one month. then fired.
i couldnt take it anymore. i mean i'm a strong person, but even the strongest man will find a stronger man one day. i became very weak.
i'm 37 and didnt had a job since i'm 22. i'm just done.
about 2 years ago the ADHD thing spawned from nowhere. everyone suddently became ADHD. i didnt know i was ADHD. tob e honnest i didnt know its existence before and iw as like "there we go awain the world go crazy about that now". you know as the human always do.. that start shit out of nowhere and most of them are NOT. they just want viewers.
so anyway. i started to notice i have exactly the same symptoms as the real people that have ADHD.
so i started to spend my alot-of-free-time searching on the subject.
so after 2 full month i went ahead and tried to see a doctor for this shit.
in total i saw about 13 doctors for that....
i spent the money i had saved to go see all those retarded doctors.... thats about 1500$.
first doctor said adhd isnt even a thing.
second doctor said he dont even touch that.
next doctor said there was no fix for adhd so doing a test is pointless.
next doctor said i need to see a psy.
only bullshit that make no asense.
i dont remember what other doctor says so ima skip them.
i was so fucking done and i knew i was a real danger on the road... and no one wanted to help s i cancelled all my driving license, sold my lovely heavily modified 1999 dakota. also ptu the 2020 ScootTerre Bistro 50 fairing rebuild project on the side. i was about tu put it FREE on marketplace. but i rushed so hard to get a working scooter.....
so 2 month ago i talked to a psy on the phone and he said it was a terrible and unacceptable experience.
he cannot take me as a client he is already over his limit.
but he told me to fill the FOCUS clinic papers as they're made for that. it should replace the need to consult a psy.
so i took a rendez vous with another doctor once again. this one agreed this was actually ADHD, but he dont touch this.
called some clinic, they couldnt believe this. they called me back telling me to call next week again so i can get a rendez vous.
it didnt go well, they had water infiltration.
so i went somewhere else and got a rendez vous.
Megane Desbiens is her name. what a retarded bitch.
if i was a girl id punch her till her face is filled with blood.
no i would never do that but it was in my toughts.
this bitch read the papers, asked over 40 questions related to adhd. after 20 minutes she said yeah you have ADHD no doubt.
she asked why i didnt see a doctor for that before... wo it took me 45 minute to tell her the whole story.
she thend ecided that i maybe have ADHD, but it can also be anxiety.
she said to take the meds and if it doesnt work then whe will give adhd meds (they hate giving those meds because its literally emphetamin)
i shut my mouth off and accepted her meds. because you know, it will be my fault if i refuse. but i knew it wasnt anxiety.
i did severe anxiety in the past and its not even close to that.
so i took her useless meds for 6 weeks. 2 week after thsi rendez vous the clinic called me back for another rendez vous as a follow up.
4 weeks after i went to this rendez vous.
4 weeks after i went to this rendez vous.
second rendez vous she asked uestions on meds effects. she cancelled meds right away and said okay its clearly not anxiety. i said yeah i know and i told you.... she didnt know what to say she realized the shit she did. but afetr a long 2 minutes silence (i was giving this bitch a chance), she said, word by word, "but why are you here now" like she didnt give the second rendez vous... i was like you scheduled a rendez vous so see if the meds worked?. she said yeah so ? i had to tell her her own words that she would give proper ADHD emds is anxiety pills didnt work. she then said uhhhhmmmmmmm okay i see. but i dont know what you want me to do right now ? it got on my nerve...... i started yelling. i said you said you would give me proper meds if he crap you ave me dont work so do your fucking job is it too hard ?
after another silence, she said listen i wont give you ADHD meds because you have no job you arent studying and you have no occupation.
the only thing i could say that is not insulting her retarded bitch life to death was "are you fucking serious"
my words, word by word, was " ok shutut. i give you 10 minutes to tell my the name of employer that will hire or keep people like me".
she was like "uhmmmm. uhmmm. okay uhmmmm. just uhmmmm. i i i uhmmmm" for 5 minute non stop.
i then said ok i'm done. i dont know at what school you went but you are fucking retarded go see a psy and FAST.
this bitch really grinded my gears like it never happened before. never even been close to that.
on my way back home i called my pharmacist and she couldnt believe it.
she said i must report that to the "college des medecins du québec".
i called but its PITA and in my actual state its impossible.
and anyway i had seen people reportign similar extem issue with doctors in the past and things NEVER change. so fuck that.
i dont have the energy to do that.
i called another pharmacist, he didnt know what to say else than report it and try to see a a doctor with a brain (his own words not mine).
this pharmacist told me to call ADHD Plus.
i called them, waste of time. they are ADHD specialist, but the only power the have is zoom meeting and recommend to take thier brand of omega-3 softgels.
i accepted thier useless zoom meeting and yeah i was right, waste of time.
it was only to give tricks(which i already tried many times) and insist of buying thier shit.
the tricks they give is to use post-it, put alarm on phone, and constantly take note.
the post-it is the first thing i tried. i needed so much of them my while glass gaming computer case wasnt anymore. it was filled with post-it.
the post-it is the first thing i tried. i needed so much of them my while glass gaming computer case wasnt anymore. it was filled with post-it.
even put all around my monitor. I M P O S S I B L E to handle that. i had so much post-it to remember what i had o do that i forgot most of them.
completly useless, i trashed them all without even looking (i was in a rage state also with all thier nosense shit).
useless trick.
then tried to put alarm...... HELL NO WAY. phone alarm ringing every fucking 5 minute or so. lol no ? just no ?
i'm not alone here and i dont handle it so imagine other people..... cancelled that too. didnt work anyway because i start a thing then it ring, then it ring for something else so i forget what i was doing. ended up doing like 7 things at the same time.
i took note on a physical notepad.... i kept forgettign it. example i was doing grocery, i search for a product. iafter 5 minute i forget what i was searching for so i check the notepad. in less than 2 second i switch to another aliment for no damn reason. and so on. going so far in my toughts that i constantly forget everything. you're gonna laught, but i allow you to because i laught to death each time i remember this, i fucking lost the damn notepad.
found it 3 days ago (even tho i stopped using this trick because it didnt work either) on top of the air compressor engine in the garage.
this is what happen all day everyday. keep losing my stuff for no reason. i'm too far in my toughts.
want more ? k. at least 3 time a day i go to the kitchen getting something to drink... when i reach the refrigirator, i forgot what the hell i was doing here.
want more ? k. last week i was rebuilding the 139qmb i bought at a scrapyard. it was in PERFECT shape, but i forgot to protect the intake from dust and sands (sandblasting cabinet nearby). and i would have to wait months for gaskets, and since i'm not allowed for shit to work,. very tight budget so forget a real gasket sheet. so i use cereal cardboard box (this truck is used for ages and i also used it for years and its perfect). i forgot the oil pump passage..... engine top end destroyed because of no oil.
want more? k. i play GTA Online and start a mission. the mission is to drive a drunk vip client of my nightclube to his house but we cannot go fast else it will be affraid and then mission failed. so right when it spawn me in the car outside, 2 seconda fter the afraid bar is already 1/2 filled because i already forgot i have to go slow. so i go slow and tis fine for maybe 1 km. then im going far in my tought, mission failed i was already going full speed.
i put GPS poin, i constantly go over and dont pay attention to it. and so on.
cant work, cant game, cant whatever.
i'm so done yeah.....
even the psychosocial worker i'm seeing once a week right now is calling the last doctor to see that the fuck is wrong with her. and also to see if she accept to do her job, as promized, and give me adhd pills sicne this project is actually a job for people having a hard time gettign a job and with mental health issue like adhd.
as you see and as she said, i'm really trying. she said im trying way more than anyone she met in her job.yeah i'm a strong man but i have my limit.
duno what ill do if this doesnt work.
oh i forgot... i also have two plantar fasciitis. i have shoe inserts but they dont always work i have a rendez vous on the way to check that, but also another reason i cannot work. ill try to get this magic called cortisone (had a shot in my shoulder, its nothing but MAGIC).
and its complicated.. i cant stand still for moe than 40-60 seconds, i cant sit for over an hour, i cant walk as fast as normal people do, i cant walk for more than 5 minute without taking a 30 minute pause.... nothing to help my situation lol.
literally i cant move. so i'm taking weight. always been slim before. i could even eat fastfood 2 time a day for weeks non stop and never gained any weight doing so for years. but stopped smoking (most peopel dont know but smoking cigarette is very good to keep weight stable no matter how much you over-eat). and then 3-4 months after i quit smoking this damn plantar fasciitis appeared. always had this but never had untolerable pain before.
anyway. feels good to talk and share this shit.
also now, people that know me from my 48576203458626713428 issue with my mechanical horror (2009 maverick viron), now you know why i'm always low on budget.
took me about 4h to write this.......... type, erease, think about everything and nothing, start over. again and again.